


Online credits

We help you with any type of credit online

Financing of projects

We finance all types of personal or professional projects

Independent investment

Nous finançons toutes les entreprises nouvelles et existantes

The real estate credit

Travel credit

The car loan, or car credit

Credit Relocation

Credit repurchase

The work credit

The work credit

The birth credit …

Household appliance credit

A personal loan to finance all your projects

To finance the purchase of a car or an appliance, to plan a renovation or to book a trip, you can choose to save and wait. But to complete your project without delaying it, without jeopardizing your financial situation, there is a quick way to release money: the consumer loan. This personal loan does not require proof of the destination of the funds: the borrower is free to use the amount borrowed to renovate, furnish or equip his or her home, pay for his or her wedding or deal with an accident in life.

Like real estate loans, only the loans concerned require justification, regardless of the amount committed in euros. In the case of the purchase of a vehicle, for example, the car loan is conditional on an invoice from the dealer, the garage or the seller if it is a private individual.this type of loan has an advantage: the credit is cancelled if the good is not delivered. For the work, the same thing: if the work is not carried out by the professional that the borrower has hired, the loan contract offer becomes null and void.

While a fast online personal loan does not require proof of use, it does require proof of status. Thus, as with other consumer loans, or even real estate loans, the borrower is required to enclose, essentially, with his or her financing file:

Proof of identity;
Proof of address;
Proof of income, in particular the last pay slip and the last tax notice (or tax exemption notice).

The sooner you send the bank all the requested documents, the sooner you will get an answer to your personal loan request!

When you say consumer credit, you say lending institution. However, in France, there is an alternative to traditional banks and organizations to obtain financing for your projects: Falex Banq. The principle is simple: the money lent comes from individuals or institutions, who entrust their savings to Falex Banq to invest in the real economy, by financing the projects of French households. The interest paid by the households is entirely returned to the lenders. There are no additional fees that would add to the APR and increase the cost of the loan.

Taking out a personal loan online is faster than going through the traditional channels of traditional organizations. With a web platform like Falex Banq Credit :

The borrower gets an immediate and definitive answer;

After acceptance of the application and compliance with the legal withdrawal period (14 days, compared to 10 days for a home loan), the amount of the consumer loan can be paid into the applicant’s bank account in a few days.

In less than 10 days (7, to be exact), the borrower will have the money to finance his project. In addition,Falex Banq Credit speeds up the process by making the choice of consumer credit as simple as possible: only one type of credit is available (amortizable with a fixed rate and constant monthly payments), which avoids the unpleasant surprises often associated with revolving credit. For the latter, the monthly payments can only fluctuate over the duration. The fault of the rate, systematically revisable. Among other disappointments…

Note: a few words on revolving credit
Borrowing via a revolving credit, or revolving credit, is dangerous for the borrower, in the sense that its rate including insurance is the highest of all consumer credits. Consequence? A particularly high total amount. As a customer, you will also have to face fluctuating monthly payments during the whole repayment period (variable APR). This duration is also difficult to fix, since the amount available is reconstituted as the repayments are made

. Unless you terminate the loan on your own initiative, it will continue to run, which is a source of temptation…

In short, with a personal loan without a bank at Falex Banq Credit, you meet an urgent need for money without taking risks!

Application fees, high interest rates: traditional credit institutions apply high margins on consumer credit. Lending without an institutional bank allows any individual to bypass these practices and benefit from fairer borrowing conditions! With a platform like Falex Banq Credit, the loan resulting from the connection between individuals and investors contributes to a transparent and virtuous system:

Investors’ money is invested at a competitive rate of return (up to 2% per year);
Personal loans granted to individual borrowers benefit from one of the lowest interest rates on the market;
The platform only earns fees from the application process, to cover the cost of its structure.

Take an online credit simulation to measure the benefits of the loan!

Next to the personal loan, we present you the fast online credit repurchase! This is indeed also a possibility, also with us. As a customer, you can potentially borrow at more advantageous conditions from the bank or organization where you took out your loans. This is called loan consolidation. Alternatively, you can take out a repurchase with a competing bank or finance company!

Offers possible via a loan without a bank.
The principle? The funds are provided by individuals and there is no intermediary other than the credit organization itself.
The advantage? In addition to unparalleled speed, costs are greatly reduced compared to the “classic” financing model.

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